这里讨论Windows下的升级,听说Linux下升级也非常简单。在Google里输入“phpmyadmin upgrade”第一个跳出来的就是官司的帮助文档,以下是phpMyAdmin升级的官方英文原版说明:
Specific Steps - Windows Example
Back up your current phpMyAdmin directory.
Download the desired version and extract its files to a temporary location, e.g. C:\NEWPHP\.
Locate your current file. This will be the one in your phpMyAdmin directory, NOT phpMyAdmin\libraries\config.default.php!
Copy your current into the temporary directory containing the extracted files (e.g. C:\NEWPHP\).
Delete the contents of your phpMyAdmin directory (assuming you backed it up. If you didn't back it up, then go back to step 1, do not pass "GO," and do not collect $200!).
Move all of the contents of your temporary directory (e.g. C:\NEWPHP\) into your original phpMyAdmin directory and empty your browser cache.
If successful, announce "I'm a genius!" to everyone within earshot.
[Does not work with WAMP ver 2.0 with phpmyadmin 2.11.6.]
Specific version notes
When upgrading from versions prior to:
Requires PHP 5.2+
2.7.0 no longer holds every configuration directive; only directives that differ from those in libraries/config.default.php are needed here. See the Quick Install section for more details.
Since version 2.6.0, simply copy your existing to the new directory. You may wish to read the release notes so you can take advantage of any new features. Some people had problems with this method though.
- 属于分类:技术乐园
- 本文标签:phpMyAdmin
- 流行热度:超过 1,212 人阅读
- 生产日期:2012年09月29日 - 16点40分17秒
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