Windows 10 build 9879 技术预览版现已提供下载,这个新版本到底有何改进,和上一代版本9860又有何不同,一起来看看吧!

  在 Win10 9879 中除了视觉外观变化之外,还有涉及到一些系统核心的改变,完整的更新列表在文末给出。 这里不得不提的是,在这个 9879 版本中,已允许用户在任务栏中禁用搜索和任务视图,相信这是大部分人所期望的。


Windows 10 9879


  更新日志显示,Windows 10 9879 同时也带了一个新的电池指示器,当然它只能在笔记本和平板电脑中显现。Windows 窗口动画也变得更加精致,它提供了相当不寻常的打开和最小化应用程序时的视觉效果,这个在 9860 中看起来似乎未完成的效果。

  同时,在此版本中,微软还介绍了对MKV文件格式的完整支持,所以你现在可以使用 Windows Media Player 直接打开这种流行格式的影音文件。其实这个功能在之前的版本中已经提供了,但使用过程中发现支持得不是很好,所以微软说了在这次的更新中,已经变理更加稳定。


  微软还发布了一个关于安装程序的大的改进包,例如,现在有选项可以将系统设置备份到 OneDrive ,并可以直接从主菜单上访问存储。zPC设置屏幕,它提供了一些未完成的配置选项,包括更新面板。更重要的是,现在这个特定的应用程序允许您更改桌面墙纸,还有一些额外的自定义选项。

  最后,Build 9879 是今年最后的更新了。微软说了,新版本里的更新足以让你坚持使用到明年年初,直到新的更新计划推出。隐藏的全部更新如下(来自微软官方):


You can now disable the search and taskview button
The action center has been placed in the notification area
Favorite folders can now be pinned to Home in File Explorer
Animations have been refined
More icons have been replaced with new versions
OneDrive now uses selective sync, no more Smart Files
New battery indictor


Touch gestures on a touchpad are now build in and universal across all Windows devices
Improvements to multi monitor support have been made
MKV support has been improved
"System compression" has been added to Disk Cleanup as a new option


The 3 dots-icon has been replaced with a hamburger menu icon, works the same
Dialogs in WinRT are now windowed

Internet Explorer

A feedback icon has been added next to options prominent in the interface
Extended standard and API support
  Support for Content Security Policy
  GamePad API support has returned (as seen in Internet Explorer Developer Channel)
  CSS Transforms - preserve-3d support
  JS Arrow function
  JS iterators
  JS Symbols
  Media Queries Level 4: Interaction Media Features
  Selection API Support
  WAV Audio Support
  ES6 Built-ins
  ES6 Object Literal Enhancements
  ES6 Promises
  ES6 Classes
  ES6 Spread
  ES6 Template Strings
  ES6 Proxies
  ES6 WeakSet
Experimental Features Dashboard has been added under about:flags
The User Agent String has been altered
Edge has been added


Insider Hub
  Insider Hub has been added as a new app, news portal for Windows Insiders
  OneDrive has been removed as an app
  You can now pin the search app to the taskbar and start screen
PC Settings
  Storage Sense has been added to the main menu
  You can now back-up settings to OneDrive (not the same as sync)
Windows Feedback
  Feedback can now be sorted on trending, number of "Me Too's" and most recent
  The apps will take you back to the category after posting feedback
  Bugfixes when using search
  Screenshot button is now easier to find

zPC Settings
  Some panels have been updated
  You can now change your background hrough this app
  Under "Privacy", Cortana options have been added