10个最高效Chrome插件推荐 – 你是高效工作人士吗?
有很多原因,让Google Chrome在推出几年时间就深受用户喜爱。Chrome浏览器速度快、界面干净,并且与谷歌深度整合。也许最重要的是,Chrome拥有一个不断完善的市场,那里提供针对不同群体的各式各样的扩展插件。
This well-loved utility formerly known as “Read It Later” does just that. Pocket for Chrome is a great extension that lets you virtually dogear what you’re reading so that you can circle back to it later. That means you finally don’t have to read those 18 viral bait Buzzfeed lists in the middle of your workday—just save ‘em for later. Productivity win!
这个插件原名叫“Read it later”,它能让你临时收藏正在阅读的文章,以便后期接着看。再次遇到想读但与当前工作无关的文章时,就收藏起来吧,心无旁骛,效率自然提高。
Are you a copious "to do" list maker? If you are, Any.Do may just be the extension you've been looking for. Any.Do just keeps getting better. My favorite to do list manager around (I’ve tried a kajillion of them), Any.Do’s Chrome extension syncs your browser with its excellent mobile apps so that you never forget to remember that thing you didn’t want to forget to remember, no matter where you’re working.
Evernote Web Clipper
If you’re an Evernote person, this Chrome extension is a no brainer. Clip any bit of the Web you like, from a Facebook photo to a flight confirmation. Annotate your clip and file it away for later in Evernote by clicking the toolbar logo or right-clicking your mouse in Chrome itself.
Download Evernote Web Clipper
Prevent Duplicate Tabs
You've got to like an extension that just tells you what it does without having some fancy name. Prevent Duplicate Tabs does exactly what it says it does: closes old tabs or prevents you from opening new ones so that the damned things stop multiplying like rabbits. If you don’t find your yourself adrift in a sea of too many open browser tabs from time to time, you’re probably lying. Tab addiction is real, and sometimes we don’t even remember what we opened twenty tabs back.
现在不用郁闷了,Prevent Duplicate Tabs可以助你一臂之力。它有三种模式,分别是不阻止、保留现有的、保留新建的。可以在工具栏点击图标进行随时切换,是不是很给力呢?
Web Of Trust
Web Of Trust (WOT) is a browser classic. If you find yourself in the Web’s back alleys, whether on purpose or by accident, this extension will lead you back to safety. WOT rates each site you visit with a clear color-coded system based on crowdsourced browsing data so that you don’t get scammed, hacked or worse.
Switch To New Tab
Another aptly named extension. Switch To New Tab can shave seconds off a task you do about one million times a day. You ever click on a link but not know where the new browser window opened? This extension takes care of that by running in the background of Chrome so that every time you click a link, the new tab is front and center on your browser.
下载地址:Switch To New Tab
If you watched on in horror as Google axed Reader, you’ve probably heard of Feedly. An awesome way to subscribe to and consume the parts of the Web you want, Feedly is the best spiritual successor to Google’s late RSS reader. Feedly’s Chrome extension is basically a quick launch button, but it saves messing around with bookmarks and gets you to your custom Web portal in a click.
如果你是Google Reader的忠实用户,对其关闭应该痛心疾首,现在来试试Feedly吧。这款RSS阅读器极好的继承了Google Reader的精神,在Chrome上它仅仅是一个按钮,但却将万千文章汇集在一起。
On a computer, concentrating on one task is… well, I don’t remember—I just tabbed out to check the weather. If you feel the Interweb creeping in around the edges of your online zen, StayFocusd for Chrome lets you rein in that Reddit addiction with custom time limits to block out distractions. StayFocusd allows users to set time limits for any websites they visit for the day. Once you go over your allotted time, the extension will block that website for the rest of the day. Helpful hint (or fair warning): Want to turn the Web off without, you know, turning the Web off? Choose the “nuclear option.”
Lastpass is a security essential. If it feels like you’re resetting a password for a compromised account every time you turn around (you are), Lastpass will keep your sprawl of passwords under encrypted lock and key—and save you time and time again. And hey, you don't have to actually remember your passwords.
Extensions can make your time sailing through browsers exponentially better, but managing them can be a major pain. Chrome’s native portal for tinkering around with your third-party party extensions can be a hassle. Extensity helps you manage your extensions and makes toggling them on and off a breeze.
2013-12-6 19:37:48