RealVNC 5.1发布下载 – 官方原版下载+新功能抢先看
RealVNC是一款老牌的远程控制软件了,小站之前已有相关介绍。今天早些时候,官网正式发布了RealVNC 5.1,这个版本的更新应该说不大不小,不过包含了不少新功能和众多Bug修复。其它就不多说了,直接看官方的更新文档。好吧,我偷懒了,实在没有太多的时间与精力去长篇翻译,而且最重要的是,本人的英语水平太烂,所以只好请出万能的Google来帮忙了,你懂的,不喜勿看。忘了说一下,RealVNC 5.1.0破解版本明天提供。
RealVNC 5.1全部更新内容
NEW: VNC Server can check whether critical software patches, and product updates to which you are entitled, are available to download from the RealVNC web site.
NEW: VNC Server publishes a more-memorable catchphrase than the unique signature on which it is based, detering man-in-the-middle attacks by making identity checks more intuitive for connecting users. (Enterprise and Personal only)
NEW: VNC applications can be configured remotely, and locked down to prevent change, using policy. Policy template files are available to download for distribution to target computers using a suitable mechanism, for example Group Policy under Windows. (Enterprise only)
NEW: Message boxes displayed when connections are unexpectedly terminated can now be suppressed using the HideCloseAlert VNC Viewer parameter, making scripting easier.
The VNC Server Options dialog has been made easier to use, and highlights features locked down by policy. For both VNC Server and VNC Viewer, it also simplifies the process of creating debug log files to send to RealVNC Technical Support.
The new Permissions VNC Server parameter replaces NtLogon_Config (Windows) and AllowedUsers/AllowedGroups (other platforms). Existing users, groups, and permissions are automatically upgraded. (Enterprise and Personal only)
新的权限VNC服务器参数替换NtLogon_Config(Windows)及AllowedUsers / AllowedGroups(其他平台)。现有的用户,组和权限会自动升级。(企业和个人)
The Permissions parameter now grants access to features in the following sets: f (full), d (default), v (view-only). More information. (Enterprise and Personal only)
The Permissions parameter now supports explicitly denying permission to use a feature, as well as allowing and not allowing that feature. Deny cannot be overridden by individual members of a group. (Enterprise and Personal only)
VNC Server logs are now directed to file at more appropriate locations, as determined by the new LogDir parameter. More information.
The VNC Server Information Center dialog now distinguishes between successful and unsuccessful connections on the Diagnostics page, which may give warning of a port sniffing or brute-force dictionary attack.
All instances of VNC Server running on a computer can be reconfigured without downtime using the vnclicense -reload command.
VNC Server的计算机上运行的所有实例都可以无需停机使用vnclicense-reload命令重新配置。
Single sign-on authentication is now easier to set up and benefits from new documention. (Enterprise only)
VNC parameters are now fully documented.
FIXED: Copying and pasting text from connected computers is now more reliable. See also the ServerClipboardGraceTime VNC Viewer parameter.
RealVNC 5.1 For Windows更新内容
NEW: Separate MSI installers for VNC Server and VNC Viewer are available for download for deployment to target computers in a Group Policy Object. VNC Server can also be licensed at install-time using a Group Policy transform.
FIXED: Key combinations such as Alt+Tab are now supported for connections to Windows 8 computers. Note VNC Server must be installed to a secure location such as C:\Program Files.
FIXED:组合键,如Alt + Tab键现在支持连接到Windows8电脑。注意:VNC服务器必须安装到一个安全的位置,如C:\ Program Files文件。
FIXED: Second and subsequent monitors plugged-in to discrete graphics cards on Windows 8 computers are now remoted to connected users.

2018-3-22 08:53:13
fdfdfdfdf fd发的
2018-3-21 16:06:46